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Unleash Your Child's Potential With TechAgility's Kids Coding Languages

TechAgility’s mission is to empower the next generation of creators, thinkers, and innovators through this course. Our kids coding languages introduces children to the world of programming in a fun and engaging way.

Kids Coding Languages

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7th July 2024



–:– AM to –:– AM

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About Kids Java Programming Course With Certificate

The Power of Kids Coding Languages

It teaches critical thinking, logic, and math and unleashes creativity. Our courses use visual programming for kids coding languages tailored for young minds like:

  • Scratch: Create interactive animations, games, music, and more by snapping together colorful code blocks. No typing is required!
  • Hopscotch: Drag and drop visual code blocks to program animations and games directly on iPad and iPhone.
  • HTML/CSS – Structure and style web pages
  • JavaScript – Add interactivity to websites
P&C Domain Training

These intuitive kids coding languages let kids grasp complex programming concepts through a simple visual interface. Syntax and memorization take a backseat to computational thinking and problem-solving.

Our expert instructors break it down into fun, hands-on lessons. Watch your child’s confidence, critical thinking abilities, and passion for technology skyrocket in just months!

what is coding for kids

Why Kids Need to Learn Kids Coding Languages

Coding is no longer optional in the digital era. Here are potent reasons why your child should learn Kids Coding Languages

  • Develops STEM skills needed for the future workforce
  • Sharpens analytical thinking and logic
  • Allows creativity and self-expression through apps, games, and more
  • Builds collaboration skills through this with peers
  • Gives kids confidence in our tech-driven world
  • Sets up children for higher-paying careers in tech fields

Don’t let your child miss out on gaining these invaluable 21st-century abilities. Our course unlocks their full potential.

The TechAgility Approach to Kids coding languages

We make learning programming fun, low-stress, and 100% beginner-friendly. How?

 Interactive Learning: Live online classes connect students with expert teachers for  

 engaging Q&A, collaboration, and feedback.

 Hands-On Activities: physical robots like Ozobots makes lessons interactive and  


 Peer Collaboration: Group projects teach teamwork, problem-solving, and accountability.

 Creative Freedom: Kids code games, animations, and apps that reflect their personalities.

 Individual Support: Instructors provide guidance, encouragement, and mentoring tailored to each child.

We create a safe environment for exploring the creativity to the fullest. Students gain confidence as core concepts click into place!

Unlock Your Child’s Coding Superpowers with TechAgility

Our comprehensive 4 month kids coding languages teaches children aged 8-16 all the fundamentals they need to excel, including:

Core Programming Concepts

  • Commands – Instructions that tell a program what actions to take
  • Sequences – Stringing commands together in logical order
  • Loops – Repeating a process without rewriting code
  • Variables – Storing data that can change over time
  • Data Types – Categories like strings, integers, Booleans
  • Conditional Logic – Running different code based on if/else choices
  • Algorithms – Step-by-step instructions to solve problems
  • Events & Responses – Triggering actions based on user input or other events
  • Debugging – Finding and fixing problems in code

We break down these building blocks into easy-to-grasp components. Students gain a deep understanding of how and why code works.

Creative Coding Projects

  • Design animated stories and characters
  • Make multiplayer games to play with friends
  • Code robots and hardware like Makey Makey
  • Build websites and web apps
  • Develop mobile apps for Android and iOS
  • Express yourself through music and digital art

With many app and game development choices, students code projects that ignite their passions and showcase their personalities.

Make Coding Come Alive with TechAgility’s Kids Coding Languages

At TechAgility, we understand how important it is to make learning fun, social, and full of Aha! Moments. That’s why our kids coding languages course is taught live online by experienced, high-energy instructors who know how to keep young minds engaged.

Live Online Coding Classes

Our interactive virtual classrooms for Kids Coding Languages bring students together 2 days per week on our user-friendly platform. Kids can:

  • Ask questions and get 1-on-1 help from instructors
  • Collaborate with peers on projects and assignments
  • Show off their work and creations during class
  • Enjoy a social, simulated, in-person classroom environment
  • Learn through discussions, demos, code-along, and more

We make lessons lively and participatory! Students gain confidence interacting with teachers and classmates.

Start Anytime with Rolling Admissions

Forget about rigid academic schedules. Our rolling admissions allow your child to start our 4-month course any Monday! There is no need to wait for a new term – they can begin with us immediately.

We break down lessons into stand-alone modules. Kids who miss a class can catch up quickly. Our flexible schedule lets you fit it into your dynamic family life.

Ages 8-16: The Sweet Spot for Coding Curiosity

Our program welcomes kids ages 8-16 – a perfect age range for learning fundamentals. At this point:

  • Older children have the focus and discipline to handle complex concepts
  • Younger kids still have flexibility and imagination
  • All students are fearless when experimenting with code
  • Peer collaboration provides accountability and motivation

We’ve tailored our curriculum specifically for this high-potential age group!

Kids Coding Languages and Platforms for All Devices

Our course works seamlessly across platforms for Kids Coding Languages

  • Use Scratch, and other web apps on Windows, Mac, Chromebooks,
  • Hopscotch on iPad and iPhone
  • Kid-friendly languages on Android tablets
  • Browser-based coding environments

With flexible device options, your child can code at home, school, or on the go! We make programming accessible.

Affordable Tuition Payment Plans

All motivated kids deserve to learn Kids Coding Languages courses , regardless of financial status. Our pricing options include:

  • Monthly payment plans to spread out tuition
  • Group rates for camps and schools

Let us know your situation, and we’ll find a solution that fits your budget. Payment should never be a barrier to valuable education!

Unlock your child’s future in technology and join TechAgilitys Kids Coding Languages course today!

Kids Java Programming Online Course Curriculum


– Introduction to Java and why it’s important

– Setting up the development environment (IDE)

– First “Hello, World!” program


Week 1: Basics

Lesson 1: Variables

– Integers, Strings, Booleans

Lesson 2: Basic Operations

– Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

Lesson 3: User Input

– Using Scanner to read user input


Week 2: Control Structures

Lesson 4: If-Else Statements

– Basic conditional statements

Lesson 5: Loops

– For-loops, while-loops

Lesson 6: Nested Loops and Statements

– Combining loops and if-else statements


Week 3: Functions

Lesson 7: Introduction to Functions

– What they are, why we use them

Lesson 8: Writing Basic Functions

– Return types, parameters

Lesson 9: More Complex Functions

– Multiple parameters, returning values


Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming

Lesson 10: Classes and Objects

– What they are, why they’re useful

Lesson 11: Constructors

– Creating objects with specific properties

Lesson 12: Methods within Classes

– Encapsulation and behavior


Week 5: Mini-Projects

Lesson 13: Simple Calculator

– Create a simple calculator using Java

Lesson 14: Basic Game

– Creating a basic game (e.g., guess the number)

Lesson 15: Final Project

– Students create their own project with guidance


Week 6: Review and Future Learning

– Review of key concepts

– Where to go from here

Key Features of Kids Java Programming Certification Training

Mentorship & Guidance

Our online course is led by experienced mentors who assist you throughout the training to help you upskill efficiently..

Doubt Resolutions

You can ask your questions and share doubts, during & after the live classes. All your doubts will be resolved on time & efficiently to ensure quality learning.

Engaging Classes

During the penetration testing live classes, you can unmute your system to ask questions, share opinions, and engage with the mentor & other learners.


This is a practical-oriented course where you work on essential tools, test different systems, get regular assignments, and practice the skills you learn.

Placement Assistance

We have partnerships with 100+ companies whole over the world to assist you in exploring great job opportunities. You will find tips and help in the interview preparation.

Pro Certification

At the end of the Course, you will get a professional certificate that showcases your skills and helps you explore good career opportunities.

What Our Learners Are Saying!

We are proud to have positively influenced the career foundations for thousands of learners whole over the world

Kids Java Programming Course FAQs

What is coding for kids?

Coding for kids involves learning the fundamentals of programming using languages and environments designed for children. Rather than focus on syntax, kids learn computational thinking through visual block-based tools like Scratch, and Hopscotch.

What devices or platforms do you need to code?

Our courses use web-based apps and languages that work on PC, Mac, iPad, Android tablets, and Chromebooks – no specialized equipment needed!

Do you teach real programming languages or just drag-and-drop blocks?

We teach both visual block languages like Scratch and real text-based languages like Python in an age-appropriate way.

How do you make coding fun for kids?

We use game design, animated stories, hands-on robotics, and creativity to make lessons engaging. Students also code collaboratively on projects.

What are the benefits of learning coding at a young age?

It teaches critical thinking, math skills, creativity, collaboration at a time when kids’ brains are rapidly developing. These skills will give them confidence and a competitive edge.

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